Busy Busy Girl!

I had no idea that when I decided to take this venture ‘full time’ that it would actually work out. In all the years that I have been designing I kept it at a very part time level, mainly out of fear. When I tired of full time blogging over at Confessions of a Housewife and decided to let it go, I felt lost- I had nothing do do, and I had kept my design bug busy by doing nearly constant tweaks and redesigns to that site, so after some prodding from my mom to go into design full time I decided to go for it. Boy did it take off! The last few months have flown by, I have been keeping so busy that I haven’t been able to post here as often as I should. Here I am though, taking a little ‘design break’ to fill you in on some of my recent work, (yeah- I am being a show off! 🙂 )

This one is one of my favorites, it has been a challenge, but a great one. ‘Gab’ has been wonderfully understanding of my delays and slow progress, the plug-in creator of the shopping cart we are using is going to either hate me or love me when we are done- but the site is turning out so BEAUTIFUL! I could easily call it done right now, but I am waiting to hear back to see if a change I ‘want’ to make is even possible- I want it to be perfect! As of today the site is not live, but you can bookmark it here.

Working with “Moomette” has been great- she has wonderful taste in colors and has a great blog blooming. I still have some work to go on the site, little tweaks here and there that only really bug me, but I just can’t quit! Check out Frugal New England Kitchen here.

I finished this one up a while ago but I am still really proud of it, he wanted a simple site that conveyed a message and I think we got it. I am in the process of working on another site for his other business that I am really proud of so far- but he hasn’t even seen it yet so I can’t share! You can visit Player Financial Resources here.

And this one… I worked my rear off for this one, going round and round on colors, fonts, layout, everything. Then I had to take a emergency trip and was away for a few days- keeping him updated through out. I come back ready to finish and he says he wants to stop and have someone else take over. I reminded him that the only thing we had left was the social media icons that I needed links fo and we would be done. After several days of no reply from him I email again telling him he needs to pay me for the work I did. Still no reply and he has gone in and changed all the passwords so I can not remove my designs or work that I did. Sooooo, his site is still up- not paid for- but it appears there is noting I can do about it. Edit- He finally paid me last week. 🙂

There are a few more, some twitter backgrounds and buttons, but I will leave you at that, I have already made a VERY long post out of this! 🙂 Hope all is well with everyone, I haven’t had a chance to visit the forums as often as I used to, I miss you all!